IEOS Joinus
150 posts by

IEOS Joinus

COA PAC Fundraiser

COA PAC Fundraiser

The beer festival CalOPAC fundraiser is moved to Sunday, November 6 from 11:00 am – 5:00 pm and lowered ticket prices to $250. It should be a really fun event. The ticket includes a seat on the popular beer bus that will take you to at least three different…

Membership meeting November 2016

Membership meeting November 2016

New Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM (PST)### Non-CE events only for Optometrists Speaker: Pinakin Gunvant Davey, PhD, OD, FAAO Topic: Fabry's Disease Sponsor: Genzyme Note: Live patient will be present for slit lamp evaluation Please, RSVP with your meal choice by the…

Shire invites IEOS

Shire invites IEOS

Thursday, October 20, 2016 6:00 PM PT – Registration 6:30 PM PT – Presentation Walter's Restaurant 310 Yale Ave. Claremont California FACULTY PRESENTER Marjan Farid, MD Director of Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA REGISTER NOW or call 1-800-952-0907 Link…

AOA asks NBEO on data safety

AOA asks NBEO on data safety

Several of us have been affected by Data breach. Here is update from AOA. AOA asks NBEO for assurances on student data safetyLacking new information concerning an apparent data breach, it's imperative that students receive reassurances of privacy when sharing personal information for board examinations, AOA implores. AOA petitioned NBEO…

Child Eye Exam AOA

Child Eye Exam AOA

Share the great message from AOA regarding pediatric eye examination as part of Back-to-school checklist on US-News here. Why a Child Eye Exam Belongs on Your Back-to-School ChecklistYou don't have to wait for back-to-school time to get your child's eyes examined. But if your kids haven't had their yearly eye…