IEOS Joinus
147 posts by

IEOS Joinus

Proposed Contact Lens Rule misguided; AOA encourages doctors’ comments to FTC

Proposed Contact Lens Rule misguided; AOA encourages doctors’ comments to FTC

Proposed Contact Lens Rule revisions add new prescription requirements that the AOA believes are imbalanced and do little to address patient safety concerns, prompting a call to action for doctors' comments. Posted in the Federal Register Nov. 10, the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) notice of proposed rule making introduced a…

COA PAC Fundraiser

COA PAC Fundraiser

The beer festival CalOPAC fundraiser is moved to Sunday, November 6 from 11:00 am – 5:00 pm and lowered ticket prices to $250. It should be a really fun event. The ticket includes a seat on the popular beer bus that will take you to at least three different…